Bluebird Tea Co. Advent Calendar — Day 3 — Pure Matcha

It's time to mix it up a bit — it’s time for some Pure Matcha.

Ingredients: Pure grade Japanese matcha powder.

They describe it thus:

The Detox Warrior. The Energising Elixir. The Slimming Superhero. The Hangover Destroyer. These are some of our nicknames for the Superhero Superfood - Matcha!

Matcha is a traditional Japanese powdered green tea with up to 10 x the benefits of regular green tea, 7 x the vitamin C as orange juice and 3 x the energy boost as an espresso shot! It's packed full of antioxidants, minerals and nutrients and is said to aid weight loss, lowering blood pressure and increasing concentration levels and clarity of mind.

The first thing to say about this is that I had no choice but to look at the back of the box despite not wanting to as I had no idea what this was. As you can see from the picture it’s a white package that has nothing of any use written on it (Bluebird and the best before date). A quick perusal of the box, trying not to look at the descriptions for other days, told me that it is Pure Matcha.

Okay, so I have to admit that I’m not very keen on matcha. I have only tried it as a drink on its own a few times and probably didn’t make it properly as I didn’t have a latte frother or Japanese whisk or whatever at the time, and at least one of the times the quality wasn’t very good, but I have added it to smoothies in an attempt to convince myself I’m being healthy.

Fortunately, it appears that Bluebird understand that not everyone can cope with drinking it and they have a whole load of recipes for things to do with it.

I didn’t drink this or do anything else with it yet as I really wasn’t in the mood this evening, especially after trying all those other tea bags, but when I have more time at the weekend I will attempt another latte as I assume this matcha is extremely high-grade and might, therefore, be more palatable.

I shall report back once I’ve tried it.   


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